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Interior Design – 5 Clever Ways to Create More Visual Harmony in Your Home

When your various interior design elements work together, they create a sense of calmness throughout your entire home. One of the key elements to creating a great interior design scheme lies in mastering visual harmony.

Many of the ways you can create more harmony in your home involve mastering essential interior design principles. This can be as simple as bringing order to a room that feels chaotic.
Milestone Project – Interior design & transformation.

Here are five simple tips to help you bring more visual harmony in your home.

1. Achieve Visual Balance

Have you ever heard someone say “there’s too much visual weight” on one side a room? Well, they are not talking about physical pounds. However, when we place too much of our decor on one side of the room, it can make it feel “heavier” than the other side of the room.

For example, if you place multiple large furniture pieces or a dark color contrasted with a side that lacks furniture or color, it will leave the room feeling unbalanced.

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Milestone Project – Interior design & transformation.

Be sure to place your colour, furniture, and decor in places that balance the entire room. This small change will do wonders for your space.

2. Interior Design Requires Symmetry

Our brains love symmetry. Symmetry is a natural way to create the sense of order in a room. It helps to create visual balance. Additionally, symmetry also creates a rhythm in the room that is attractive to the eye.

An easy way to create symmetry is to invest in the idea of multiples, with the matching pieces side-by-side or across a room.

For example, curtains are a great way to create the look of symmetry. When placed accordingly, matching lamps, end tables, mirrors, or a set of chairs can also add symmetry to the room.

Symmetry is nothing but bringing in harmony with colours, forms and textures. Within symmetry, asymmetry will work brilliantly too. E.g. placing a painting off centered and yet creating balance by placing large jars on the floor.

The key to creating symmetry in interior design is to find a room’s center line. Then, consider repeating matching elements across that line. Once you start to place these matching items in the right places, you’ll find the room starts to feel more visually harmonious.

3. Include Negative Space

When it comes to interior design, less is often more. In fact, too many design elements covering every surface can become visually exhausting.

In interior design, negative space refers to the blank spots in your villa where there’s no furniture, colour, or decorative accent. It’s the space where there is no furniture, no art, no lamps. Essentially, it’s the space you have deliberately left empty.

Negative space is an important element in interior design. It intentionally leaves room for the eyes to rest on a space that isn’t overwhelmed with furniture and other design elements

4. Connect Seating Arrangements

Actually, it’s not just seating arrangements that need to be visually grounded and connected. When it comes to harmonious interior design, you want to avoid too many objects floating off on their own.

In general, soothing spaces are rooms where everything feels cohesive and connected.

Consider using rugs to connect seating areas together. Additionally, layering throughout your space can connect objects that feel far away or removed from the rest of your design elements.

The key here is to ensure all of your design elements are connected.

5. Decor with a Purpose

Another simple way to achieve a more harmonious interior design is to ensure every item in the room has a purpose. Not only will this help you declutter, but it will help you connect your items to the rest of the things in your home.

Each item in your home tells a story about your life and your personal taste. You are a brand and your space speaks of your brand. The various items in your home will visually tell your story. A space full of meaning will naturally have more harmony for you.

In general, visual harmony is the feeling of peace and cohesiveness the interior design of your home creates. However, it’s more than just feeling. Visual harmony is also the sense that the whole space is better because every element works together to create a cohesive space.

If you are looking to transform your interior design or renovate your villa, we can help. Contact a member of our team to schedule your free design consultation.